This is a good guess, and sort of on the right track, but no. I wasn't able to take any pics, it was raining pretty hard after church and it is at my brother's house, outside. It is not something that would be used outside. Rain has let off, I will head over there in a bit and get the pics.
Went to my brother's to take more pics. He had moved it and wasn't home to tell me where he put it. Sorry guys. I'll try again tomorrow after work. In the meantime, zoom in a little closer. Y'all are missing some clues. I think I alluded to one of them in a reply to Shane.
It looks like something off a line, like a paper press, or sheet metal cutter, or industrial wood sander or something, where the medium is rolling along up under it, and the two little round wheels are measuring the thickness and giving feedback to the business end of the system. The two hubs are where it connects to the line machine .... err or not. Hell, I just had to take a crack at it.
This is a hole in the dry side of a small pond dam. Guy took pic with flash to see how deep hole went for repair then noticed a critter was in it. Upper left above hat prob need to zoom in. I think I know but def not sure what it is.....tryin to get him to run a stick up in there and root it out.