Screw Red, 2 motors and it's on wheels how about a view from the other side? I'm going to assume electric with all the wires. some sort of pump right
OK, what have we got here? 1. A stamped steel frame with an electronics board and a shitload of heavy duty wires leading away. 2. An electric motor and at least four belt drives to servos or smaller motors. 3. A heavy spindle or axle with unusual hub is fixed to the frame with some sturdy rods. This is where the heavy work happens. 4. Those wheels. I first thought it must be a heavy device and needed to be pulled around, but those wheels are tiny, attached to the spindle, not to the frame, and are not dirty. I think they must be some kind of feeler for the axle and either brake it or position it based on their position. 5. Some device in that plastic housing attached to the spindle is key to this somehow. I have no idea what it might be. Maybe some sort of control until for machinery. It has several belt driven devices on it, a feeler gauge, a heavy spindle that attaches to some mechanical device, and an electronics board with heavy-duty cabling.
Red's breakdown is the way to figure this out. The wheels are a key part. They are part of the unit that does the business end of the work that this thing is used for.