Nah, I'm old school. I prefer to actually earn my turn, everyone gets a trophy these days.... Don't contribute to the pussifi.....well u know.
My focus at the moment is making sure my ol lady has a ride to work in the morning so I can still make my 9:30 tee time. Trust me, I'm not one for pussifying this great nation. It was just a shirking of responsibility disguised as a kind gesture.
OH I bet she has plenty, just not much she is willing to show us. Give me a minute I will see what I can find.
Well, its obviously meant to turn with a hex head and turning lugs. It is probably heavy with a steel ball and since it has an eyebolt for lifting/restraining. It looks like a wood drill on the end, but why the threads if it is a drill bit? I'd call it some kind of broken bolt tap extractor except for the wood drill. Puzzling . . .