I was right about the task it accomplishes but wrong about the lasers. It does determine levelosity like I said
If only levelosity was an English word. Hell, I can measure levelosity with whatchacallit counterweight or even a doodad gadget. In fact le velocity is a French phrase meaning "the speed and direction", so you are quite wrong anyway.
Yea sorry dude. It is NOT surveying equipment that you attach a target to and shoot lasers at. I even opened the door for you to go in the right direction when I asked you "what is level..osity?". If you watched the video on the ziplevel site, you will see that this has absolutely zero to do with lasers, or for that matter, distance. This tool, as a replacement for my rotary laser, saved me untold man-hours for countless jobs.
any 5 year old can figure out that levelosity is. it is the state of levelness, which again, is exactly what this device measures. dont begrudge the fact that i made up a glorious new word that fills a desperate void. do you know what generosity is? its the state of being generous. do you know what curiosity is? its being curious! like anyone does not know what the suffix "osity means"! it ludicrous!
Sorry dude. It's one thing to be wrong, don't make it worse by being a whiny pussy and trying weasel your way into getting any votes for your rightness..osity, literally, right now.