Dammit. I hate it when Martin is right! Since it is not used near fire or heat, and it is used exclusively outdoors, it must be used for hanging something outside. Maybe a potted plant hanger of some sort?
if that isnt what it is, then that is what it should be. if you have no idea and just intuited that from looking at it, then you sir are very smart.
It is indeed a tap for collecting maple sap. You hammer it into a maple tree and hang a bucket from the notches and the sap drips into it from the lip. My next hint was going to be: If you live in New England you know what this is. Millions exists but none in Louisiana. You are up.
Damn Red, two really good ones in a row. Nice. Alright Tally, your turn. And for the record Red, it is for hanging something outside - the sap bucket.
But it is not to hang plants from . . . it hangs from the plant! martin was always warm in recognizing that something hung from it, just not from a wall.
Good one... I was solidly in the 'foot peg' camp until I remembered where I had seen something like that. this is a bit for tool with a very specific purpose. Its about 2 inches long.