What if... and a question?

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LaSalleAve, Oct 27, 2009.

  1. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Not sure where this fits but I wanted to get it in here somewhere, maybe deserves its own thread but...

    Watching Hannity last night and he has this panel of about 20-25 people from Jersey to discuss their upcoming election for governor. Absolutely amazing what some of these idiots were saying. These were just average every day people. One of the women said "some people in this country just make too much money" and that she had no problem with the government taking 70% of their money for taxes. One guy was absolutely fine with the govt running healtcare even though they (both parties) have bankrupted social security. Just amazing to see how some people deep down in their heart think that it is fine to take from someone else just because they don't have enough. Granted these are people from Jersey where you can't turn left or pump your own gas so it is not that hard to imagine they would be nut jobs.
  2. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    That's because Jersey residents pay 60% taxes when you figure personal income, property, sales, etc. taxes. 70% ain't that much to them.

    Corzine wants to increase it even more, while Christie (a "Republican Lite" according to my boss who lives there) advocates tax cuts.
  3. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    My discussion with Red above I acknowledged Bush and Obama both have bankrupt the country.
    There probably isn't anyone in this forum that sits where I do, that have been more critical of his own party, so much so that I am no longer a Republican.
    I am still probably more critical of the left because I don't agree with them.

    If I'm a nut job then the founders of this country are also nut jobs.
    I believe exactly what they did, smaller government, less taxes, Individual rights including the second amendment.
    I don't believe in what Obama and the libs are trying to do.
    Most people don't want what they are trying to do but they are going to do it anyway.
    Things are happening in this country that happen in communist countries today.

    I have acknowledged plenty of times that WE DIDN'T need Homeland Security, We just needed to re-connect the dots.
    I was against Bush doing this, Washington is terrible, the 9-11 commission was all politics.

    While I acknowledge the Republicans were dreadful, no they aren't worse than this administration, this one will go down as the worst in history.
    I will also point out that I didn't like some stuff Bill Clinton did but he was much better than the last 2 presidents we've had except for terrorism attacks.
    If you don't want to have a discussion with me well don't!
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    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    Id like to have discussion with you, but your founding fathers comment is flawed. Some of the founding fathers didnt want the bill of rights included in the constitution, some did, some founding fathers agree that all people were created equal, while writing in the constitution at the sametime that people of color counted as 3/5th of a person, for the purpose of representation in both the house and senate. See the contradiction with the founding? Its still the best country on this earth.

    My point is nothing is perfect in this country, but its far from communism, thats why i say your theories are fringe, this country isn't on a march to socialism and people who scream about that are very disingenuous. They are quasi-socialist, who believe in socialism for some but not others. Are you in that camp? Deficit spending has been around since the 1930s, do you consider that socialism because most president has practiced deficit spending since the beginning of this country except a chosen few, one of them being Bill Clinton.
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  5. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Politics equal contradiction.
    I don't like politics, it is the elephant in the room.
    We had a civil war where plenty of blacks and whites died.
    I had nothing to do with slavery or anyone that I knew personally.
    I don't look at peoples skin.
    That goes without saying, nothing is perfect in the world from when this country was founded until today.
    I think you are correct here but what bothers me is that we have things happening today that have never happened before.
    The size and power of the ever growing federal government.
    It bothers me that the teachers union is woven into the democrat party so much so that they are teaching children to sing songs about Obama, I'm sure you wouldn't have supported that under Bush.
    I am also concerned that Obama and the Dems are going to pass a health care bill that polls show people are against no matter what.
    This is the kind of stuff that communists do.
    I would disagree with you here and I'll give a few examples.
    1) At no time in history has a pay czar decided who and how much someone in the private sector can make or who to fire.
    2) Government take over of banks, GM
    3) Government run health care
    4) Global warming?
    5) What ever happened to states rights?
    The founding fathers warned us about a huge, all powerful federal government, this is where we are headed!

    If all of these things come together the government in this country will grow to such huge proportions, they can practically control everything through this process like never before in this country.
    Also as I posted yesterday, the tax credit will be reduced for employers so that some employees won't have any choice but government run healthcare.
    I'm not saying 100% that all of this will happen, I don't know.
    I am concerned though and watching carefully!

    No, I am very alarmed because we have never been this far into debt.
    Where Obama is taking us is uncharted waters.
    I'm concerned because government programs cost projections are NEVER accurate and are always more than projected, sometimes 50% more.
    Sooner or later the taxpayer will have to pay the bill and it won't matter what class you are in unless you get free money!

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    Polls dont show that people dont want healthcare reform. No what Pelosi did yesterday was shameful, that bill wont pass.

    The pay limits are tied to companies that received bail out funds, I dont like the idea of it, but there is merit there. In the fact that you arent supposed to make money hand over fist, if you had a hand in screwing up the company and getting government money to stay afloat. Nobody wants to see that happen and that doesnt equal socialism either. Government take over started under Bush, thats corporate socialism and it has continued under Obama. There will be no government run healthcare, a public option isnt the same as government run healthcare.
  7. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Wasn't talking health care reform, talking one of Obama's plans!:confused:
    Which one, hell if I know at this point?:insane:
    I hope you are right but I don't put anything past some of these people.
    You do understand that these people do all kinds of things to pass bills.
    Example, hate crime legislation which i have nothing against but they attach it to a defense bill to pass it.
    The same thing could happen to Pelosi's bill.
    I'm sure you remember us talking about this kind of thing.
    I was against all of that then and are now, government bail out.
    We should have let those companies go under and another one take them over.
    This is what happens when you dance with the devil.
    It may not equal socialism but it is a stepping stone.
    I read somewhere yesterday that the pay czar might start looking at what people make at companies that did not receive government money.
    Thats good, we can't afford government run healthcare.
    I hope you are right but my feeling is that could be correct at first and then change.
    I believe this is a stepping stone in that direction.
    Keep in mind that some employees might not have a choice but to go with the public option since the tax credit will be reduced for employers according to some of these health care plans.

    LSUMASTERMIND Founding Member

    Nov 15, 2007
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    Thats not even the worst part of Pelosi bill. I understand her inclusion of the public option, but its really not a option, if you are not covered through your employer, private insurance company or the public option. They will tax you 2.5% of your income. Thats some real bull**** right there. Something I dont agree with at all.
  9. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    We agree on this. Americans want affordable health care. Pelosi wants what Pelosi wants. If only she had been in the room with Moscone and Milk.
  10. shane0911

    shane0911 Helping lost idiots find their village

    Jan 11, 2005
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    Speaking of Pelosi, if you get an email saying something about a naked picture of nancy pelosi don't open it. No its not a virus anything like that, it really is a naked picture of nancy pelosi. :sob:

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