Option is a misnomer. It's an option in the sense that it's one of the available choices for health coverage. But in the end, it won't be an option, it'll be the only thing because for profit corporations cannot compete with the government. And that's exactly where Obama and the Chicago Social Club wants this to end up.
Yeah, but wouldn't this force the health insurance companies to compete and ultimately do a far better job?
please dont ask that question, all you are going to get is GOP talking points from the RNC handbook. Nothing sensible. Tell UPS and Fed Ex, they cant compete with the Post Office and they will laugh you out of their office. Stupid statements like the for profit corporations cant compete make me shake my head. But they seem to skip over Medicare Part B program, where you cant negotiate prices over drugs.
There are other ways of doing that other than socializing the country. I already listed one. Are You people trying to say that Obama's way is the only way? If you are I'll quit wasting my time.
More disinformation. Bush's No Child Left Behind and Medicare Prescription Drug plans are going to cost us over a $Trillion during the next 8 years. That's not on Obama. Bush's war commitments will cost another Trillion that's not on Obama. We will be paying for Bush for decades. I'm not happy over the national debt either, but it's NOT all on Obama. Deadliest attack of the year in Iraq war Iraq, Afghanistan and the politics of war That was George Bush's pledge and he failed at Tora Bora. bin Ladin is in Pakistan and Obama has stepped up drone missile strikes against al Qaida in Pakistan. He' has already sent more troops to Afghanistan. 80% of the taliban are just locals who fight us because we are there, like the Russians before us, and the British before them, The Persians before them and Alexander the Great before them. When we leave they go back to growing opium and being a illiterate tribal villagers. The 20% hard core Taliban with a capital T is the enemy because they protect and support Al Qaida. More troops may or may not be needed, but a new strategic plan is essential and McCrystal knows it. You can't win a guerilla war by trying to kill all of the enemy. That has never worked anywhere. You win a guerilla war by dividing the enemy from the people that he's hiding among, not driving them together. A lot depends on the next Afghan government which is still playing out. The extra troops are a bargaining chip we are using to pressure Karzai and his corrupt administration to play ball with the new direction we are going. Patience. Bush got 8 years to fix this and couldn't. Give Obama some time, it's less than a year.
Fair enough but at what point do we quit blaming each other and hold people in power today accountable for their actions. Wreckless spending on stimulus and possible another on the way? So you are blaming this on Bush and not Obama? I do agree here. Its too bad you didn't say the same about Bush since he was only in office for 8 months before 9-11? What is the difference here?
what does creating a public option have to do with socializing the country? i have seen some things with this presidency that has made me shake my head and wonder wtf. but i just don't see creating competition for these greedy ass vampires in the health insurance industry, as a bad thing. if they go out of business, oh well, maybe that will help other companies spring up who can provide affordable coverage. The thing i always hear about is the post office, and the right say hey the post office is screwed up. i have never had a problem with the post office. they do what all the other places do, cheaper. I really don't see what the problem with a public option would be. Yes there are alot of people who don't want it, but there are alot of people who do. If you don't want it, you have the option right? Are Brittian, Canada, and France socialist countries? The point of this thread since i derailed it myself, was it doesn't matter what the President does, if its Bush, or Obama, Clinton, Bush, Reagan, Carter, the opposition is going to blast everything the President does. Even if he finds a cure for AIDS, the opposition, whomever it may be will have a problem with it.
You've bought into the Obama line that Insurance companies are the entire problem. There are ways of encouraging competition that have nothing to do with government intrusion. Obama doesn't want "affordable health care for all Americans". Obama wants single payor universal health care system. The government option is the only way he can get his foot in that door. Red: I cannot debate you as long as you give Obama a pass and blame Bush for everything. If you can't see the handwriting on the wall, I'll just have to wait until you do. My whole fear is that we cannot give Obama more time. It'll be too late. Mastermind: Go ahead and ridicule and name call and insinuate that it's all partisan politics while the sh!t is on a collision course toward the fan.
I ridicule because you fail to mention obvious facts, so it is pretty much partisan politics from you as usual. Back up your claims with facts, non biased facts at that and I'll stop the ridicule. Btw, Obama isnt even pushing the public option actively right now. He hasnt done that with vigor in quite sometime now. See thats a fact, something you skip over from time to time. Harry Reid and Pelosi are pushing for the public option and the mere truth of the situation is that any bill that will potentially pass will not have a public option or single payer mandate in it. So go ahead with your shock and awe act. You were also so willing to give Bush all the time in the world after he rolled up record deficits and engaged into 2 wars, when their only should have been one. See what I mean by partisan nonsense.