Nothing will change ever. I said long ago it was the beginning of the end and here we are. Every year a new low. Funny thing is I used to get really pissed off and possibly break some shit after a game like this. Now I just realize it is who we are. Great talent but poorly coached with a piss poor game plan so I just sort of chuckle.
I don't think I seen once where we even tried to get creative. Hell if we can't throw it do something different. Screen passes, draws, reverses. This motherfucker is clueless as head coach
The school President was just worried about the bottom line. As long as LSU football was making em money he was too much of a bitch to make a move incase they lost money. Well good job dumbass and get fucked.
Because it's painfully obvious to just about everyone except Les and Cam that Harris is not a very good QB. I feel for the kid but he just doesn't have it. No doubt another coach might handle him better but if someone else was here I think we have a different QB. Or a more option based spread which suites Harris better. He's not a pocket passer.
Harris is super talented, but you're probably right about the total package, mostly between the ears.
He was just trying to make a play. Something that should not have been required. Terrible throw, snap decision but in the end he just doesn't have it.
I haven't reached that step in the 12 steps. I am still at the yelling, drink to much, then make the wife mad at me stage. Any advice?