But if it were swimming in gravy, I get a pass? OK, it is apparent that the north central Texas environment has tainted your taste buds with limited choices for cuisine. This I can understand having been geographically constrained for so many years however, you gotta get out a little. Took me a great while to be convinced that raw fish can actually be considered good. I fought it for years then I tried it. Not bad, kinda pretty good and you add a decent beer and hey, "what did you call that again"? Now, I can't pass a Sushi joint without looking. I can walk in and simply look at the fish in the cooler and decide if it is bad, OK or great. I am convinced you and I can randomly sit at a table and find a common good in what has been prepared although it may be a Sonic. As an insurance policy I will have a box of fruit loops or even a jar of peanut butter in the trunk so as to end the event on a positive note.
Now, please don't take my participation in the Good Eats gravy thread as an indication that I'm in love with the stuff. I can take it or leave it--and usually leave it. I'm down with Sonic, though! Your post made me chuckle quite a bit.
um. Getting back to the point of the post... I beliieve there are some well-heeled TAF folks who will have something to say about the DC position. Now, back to the hijacking... North of I-10, not I-20, is Baja Arkansas. IMO.