:lol::lol::lol: I just finished reading Angels and Demons and the Davinci Code. Dan Brown is a pretty good writer, but slashes the Catholic Church almost every chance he gets in those books.
Just finished a James Madison Biography and Jeffersonian America and am currently reading a book about the 1787 Philadelphia Convention, I can't remember the name of it though and the book is in my car.
I got really busy and never got around to reading it. I have basiclly been reading a bunch of comic books cause thats all I have time for.
newjack, by ted conover. a reporter denied the chance to investigate what happens inside prisons gets a job as a guard at sing sing instead. fantastic. more evidence tht non-fiction is so much better than fiction that less than 5 people alive at any given time have the talent to write a fiction novel worth reading. great non-fiction is everywhere. good fiction comes along a few times a decade.
Reading Scarlett again, it is the sequel to Gone With the Wind. I am a female, what do you expect?:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"Luckiest Man" a Lou Gehrig biography. It's been a pretty good read so far, it really is a shame that he died at such a young age because he could've ended up being better than Ruth and thus the greatest baseball player of all time.