Crazy as the day was long though. Just look at his statue of Moses. It had horns and he went off the deep end one day and "whacked" it because it wouldn't come alive. He was also an outstanding architect.
I will pray for you........that took me FOREVER to read, and I felt as though I wasted my life in the process.
Just finished a book called "Disney War" which chronicled (in 600 pages), the behind the scenes workings of disney over the past 25 years...Great book, good insight into what a snake Eisner really was. Now reading "barbarians at the gate." Similarly written to Disney War, it's great so far...
I just started reading "Money Ball" by Michael Lewis. Fantastic so far. Baseball isn't even my favorite sport and I'm really liking this book... Just finished "John" by Cynthia Lennon. I was surprised by this one. Didn't think I would like it, but it's surprisingly good and didn't seemed somewhat truthful on Cynthia side.
Right now I'm reading: The Storm by Ivor van Heerden. It's an insider look at the Hurricane Katrina storm surge and aftermath from the guys at LSU who predicted it. I work with many of these people every day, so it's been a fun read. The Battle for Peace: A Frontline Vision of America's Power and Purpose by Gen. Anthony Zinni. An insiders look at modern war and geopolitics in the 21st century from a Marine 4-star and the former CINC of Central Command. The Ionian Mission by Patrick O'Brien. I'm rereading the seafaring novels of O'Brien that I first read decades ago.
i started reading the graffitti in public restrooms. some of these people are very creative. others are abysmal retards. i'm going to start a collection of the best works, and have it published, "The ****house Poets"