All instruction manuals and programming books put me to sleep. I learn way more by just sitting down in front of the IDE and Compiler and trying to implement functionality, then searching the 'Net when I get stuck.
Which airline? Most 777s on international flights have personal video players even in coach. Of course, you would know better since you've already been once. I'd go with the DVD player. Mine gets 4 hours on a full charge and you can pick up a spare fairly cheap. That's 7 or 8 hours. I'd recommend either Lonesome Dove, Into the West or Band of Brothers.
I'm reading yet another Clive Cussler book...they all kinda run together so I don't remember the name of it. And "Surely You're Joking Mr. Feynman" AND "The New Bill James Historical Abstract" -- gotta get ready for baseball season!!
oh sweet, thats the book i tell everyone to read, i have even encouraged people here to read it a few times. i love that book and that guy. that is one of my favorite books ever.
Just started the Da Vinci Code. Figured I would read it before I saw the movie that way I dont ruin the book.
saddam's secrets--george sada i dont do science fiction at all and seldom do i read fiction. i lack imagination.