What "socialistic visions" are those? Be specific. Obama's platform is on record. Which items do you have trouble with? So, tax breaks are wasted on them until they decide the future is more certain. When has the future ever been certain?
Red , your considerable talents are being wasted at your current job. I heard O'Reilly used to be a school teacher. You could definately do a great job on tv. Hell why not shoot for the stars, you should go to work at the whitehouse.
Obama has said he wants those who have should be willing to pay more. He's asked how much income is too much. He's said those with more should help those less fortunate. He told Joe the Plumber that the wealth should be spread around. He's on record as pushing for redistribution of wealth. Don't be obstinate. It's no secret.
lasalle, do you understand that those americans who were not taxed bought things and employed people and invested and gave banks more money to lend out and its not like they money was put on a rocketship? do you understand that you cant just say "well we shoulda taken money from people so we could buy them things, else they have nothing?" we can take 90% and buy every child on a the planet a college education, right? do you understand why that isnt the case?
Duh, keeping more of our money is NEVER a good thing. People in office know how to better spend it......
You are a master debater. You make it sound like you're right , even when you're wrong. You could be a press sec. or communications director for an elected official.