You mean other than pulling the GDP back out of recession and posting nothing but positive quarters? :lol:
Yes companies becoming more efficient raising production while cutting their work force. Real unemployment is still sky high and businesses aren't hiring. Home foreclosures and homeowners under water are at record numbers. Government bailouts paying oversees bonuses and the Government taking over everything it can. Everything is just fine, Karl Marx would be proud. Mean while Joe working hand is watching his future flushed down the toilet and wondering how he is going to tell his kids that Obama is doing his best to flush theirs. Obama is clueless, unfortunately so are most of the same old reruns that the Republican party is pushing. At least the Repubs let me be the one that flushes my future away or not. Keep drinking that Obama ROOT beer Red.
So what is your solution? Cutting their taxes didn't stimulate anything, they just amassed hoards of cash that they are sitting on. We can't keep giving them cash on tax breaks if it fails to trickle down into jobs. So what is your solution? Banks are sitting on lots of cash. Make them take all of their paper losses and lower prices to the point that properties move. I thought the bailouts were going eliminate their toxic debt? So who is your guy? Despite your protests, Obama is not failing to do anything except follow the Republican agenda 100%. He's going to be reelected.
It was a direct response to a direct charge, that "Hussein" had done "nothing" to improve the economy. The facts say otherwise. You got some other case to pitch, go ahead. I'll be sure to fact-check it for you.
There is no case to pitch. You always assume there is ALWAYS political spin on everything everyone says… Bush phucked the economy and Obama came in and doubled down on the phucking and is now DP’ing the economy.
That's because you always get your information from people who specialize in political propaganda disguised as news...
For the 1 millionth time, Red, it's because of fear and uncertainty about the costs of Obamacare, cap and trade, green alternatives and social justice policies that Obama will ram through given 4 more years. The problem is Obama, not "the rich".
So you were just hired as a GM for a NBA team. The previous GM lowered ticket prices to increase attendance and allow more people to attend in hopes they would buy season tickets. The team has only been at .500 for the last few years and you were hired to bring hope and change. You know very little about basketball and even less about running a franchise. You start by hiring assistants who have failed elsewhere and then triple the ticket prices. You give free tickets to those who are unemployed, uneducated, and on public assistance as long as they'll bow to you. You release all players of European ancestry. Next you grossly exceed the salary cap forcing the owners to pay luxury tax but it's okay because it's not your money so you keep spending. Although your wife's butt won't fit in a seat she demands all concession stands serve carrots and celery sticks to replace the burgers and hotdogs...and your beer is replaced with V-8. Of course you still allow smoking because you shouldn't have to abide by the rules like the common folk. Two years later the team wins one more game than the season you became the GM so you proclaim success and are awarded executive of the year by MSNBC. You give your speech via teleprompter and tell everyone how great you are while still blaming the previous GM. Shortly after you leave the team and receive the "Greatest GM Ever" award, the team relocates to another city as the owners are forced to sell to pay their debt. The move is blamed on the previous GM and FOX News.