The sneaky bastards, they took the link down to the original article because they knew they had been busted. Now I'm pissed and will find it so you can shove it up your ass. wapo article 2015 US aids ukraine with bio lab.
duck duck go is your friend mf'r Right up your lefty democRAT ass read it and weep pussy
getting a little testy there shaney boy. which of us is known to use chemical weapons?
What you should be asking yourself is if that article was published in 05, recently discovered and brought to light, WHY did google take it down and then start the "misinformation" spin? Why? Then to have their bubbles busted by none other than the o'biden administration itself when Nuland let the cat out of the bag. You dipshits believe whatever you hear on the stupid news. Then you come here and learn things from us.
Our economy is booming. Lowest unemployment rate in history. Greatest job growth in history. You suck at memes.
Pro-Russia Fox "News" for you: Jesse Watters asks the repairman if the war in Ukraine was engineered by Biden as a distraction from Hunter's laptop