As you've already been told, those are not "error rates". You don't even understand what you posted. What the judge allowed was the audit results, not the dishonest pdf you posted. The judge had nothing, whatsoever, to say about your dishonest pdf, and has no power to prevent some dipshit organization called "9and10 News" from creating bullshit. I see no reason to believe he's compromised. What I see is YOU, who is too dumb to understand.
If the machine is designed to read a ballot and cannot read 70% of ballots, you are saying this is a feature and not an error? Oh my, that is much worse than I imagined then. So you are saying this is by design so they can then have a manual review? Yes, it came from local news. Is there something wrong with the source? What is false? Yes, the judge allowed the report that was presented in court that showed the high error rate, as outlined in court, to be released to the public. What is wrong?
did you see it? do you know it's being used now...for this war? or are these the same kind of findings as you state for the voting machines?
Well, as you know, we are the United States and while Trump is frequently described as a dictator, he has no power over how states run elections.
It's funny: Democrats bitched for years (see the works of Greg Palast, for example) that electronic black boxes should not be used in elections as official ballots. Republicans had no problem with them, whatsoever, because the major suppliers of such hardware (Diebold, ESS) were corporations run by Republican owners. Now, ALL OF A SUDDEN because they lost an election, Republicans are SCREAMING ABOUT ELECTRONIC VOTING MACHINES. I agree... electronic black boxes on their own should not be trusted. Louisiana's voting system, for example, is an absolute disgrace. My model for an election system is GEORGIA's. Yep, you heard that right. Georgia's past election proved the validity of their methodology: where the electronic machines are the VOTE TAKERS, but not the official ballots. The subsequent audits proved how efficient and reliable were the results.
From your boys at the wapo! That bastion of right wing propoganda! From the fucked up O'biden administrations own people!!! Now, if ANY of your brian cells are working there should be a glaring observation here. I doubt you will be able to put it together. For the record I'm disappointed in Rubio because of it
if you're looking for facts coming from Tucker Carlson it is your brain cells that are missing. btw, "brain" is spelled brain.