truth you speak. Zuker made it a point to turn CNN news and opinion shows into anti Trump bashing. He was successful in turning ratings around. They fired him for sex. Now, CNN will probably fade back into the low tier ratings.
What CNN did with trump was what they had always done: report the news in an honest way. "trump bashing" is nothing more than calling a corrupt piece of shit a corrupt piece of shit.
Wasn’t CNNs ratings in the toilet when they fired him? I think their ratings lived n died w the Trump Presidency - hyping all those fake stories.
So this isn’t the time and IMO shouldn’t be the thread to have the back and forth about what Trump did or didn’t do. He’s no longer in power and position. What he did or didn’t do is in the past and arguing won’t change anything. Nor is it the place to debate what Biden did or didn’t do as Obama’s VP. Again it’s in the past and what’s done is done. There is certainly room to debate Biden’s current actions as he’s one of the critical players in this situation. Let’s see if we can act more like grownups. Yes I’ve occasionally done exactly what I’m asking everyone not to do. Mia Culpa Mia maxima Culpa. I’ll do better and hope you all will try as well.
Way to go Rexie. You really raised the bar with that comment. I can see you care more about “owning the Republicans “ than the Russians invasion of Ukraine.
If you guys never talked about him he wouldn’t be a topic. He isn’t president and isn’t making policy.
No. You see it that way but Zuker influenced the tale. Not all criticism was warranted but it was certainly doled out. Don’t be a blind hater. You might begin saying shit like Biden was responsible for the rapid vaccine rollout.
Those who implore us to imagine what NATO expansion looks like from the Russian viewpoint never seem interested in imagining what closing NATO's doors would look like to all the nations that spent the better part of the 20th century enduring brutal Soviet occupation.