he shoved his fingers in a lady called tara reade https://www.vox.com/2020/5/7/21248713/tara-reade-joe-biden-sexual-assault-accusation you cant just go around finger raping bitches. she told him to stop be he didnt give a shit and shoved his hands deep in her snatch. he doesnt care that she said no. when biden wants to rape, he rapes. lots of women say biden touches them and shit. he is creepy racist. he loves to say nigger and rape. "I believe them and I respect them being able to tell their story and having the courage to do it" - kamala harris on the women biden touches
Ah, Tara Reade.... the same Tara Reade, whose name is not really that, who was dropped by her lawyer because she's not a credible person, who changed her story about Biden multiple times, who has frequently lied about her past, who has accused others besides Biden of sexual assault, who didn't tell anybody about the Biden alleged abuse at the time she alleged it happened, and this very week was fired from her job for being a Russian operative, paid by Russia? That Tara Reade? Didn't happen, sorry. She's just a paid stooge. Not that Biden is one, but a rapist is not necessarily an imbecile, anyway... but somebody who said that about our planes with Chinese colors to attack Russia... THAT takes an imbecile... so what point were you trying to make, anyway, except that you like typing imbecilic things?
well, if you dont believe women that is up to you i guess. you seem to use racial slurs and claim women are liars, but thats the democrat party for you. next thing you know you will be defending your hero trump and grabbing pussy. do you think we should arm poland and endorse them fighting in ukraine?
I don't claim all women are liars, and I don't use racial slurs, liar. Like I said, you enjoy typing imbecilic things.
of course not, its political. hypocrisy i think its called. they are lying depending on if the accused is R or D. got it. please, you called a dude an uncle tom, and your hero biden uses the n word like its going out of style. you are a racist and a hypocrite lol lol. but seriously should we allow a nato country to fight russia?
For you @LSUpride123 learn something if you can https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/a...in-imperialism-ukraine-american-power/624180/
the target of this article is chomsky liberals, not the american right who has always had an american first attitude and rejected the idea that american imperialism is the problem. liberals often think that nothing bad happens on earth that isnt the fault of american white ethno-conservative imperialism. really the opposite is true, its a strong conservative america that saves the world, and always has.