NATO is a military alliance created specifically to contain or defeat the USSR/Russia. Compare the founding members numbers to the number of members today and repeat your lies again.
Wish I could link the twitter videos here,... the anti-war protests in Tbilisi, Prague, St. Petersburg are inspirational.
maybe putin will dial it down a notch. lets hold hands and be inspirational. especially if those protesters are literally shaking with rage. These are the people you’re defending in your blasé cowardly ignorance
you are not being honest. we are not defending russia here we are arguing against getting involved. also this is a dumb emotional appeal. i know you are literally shaking with anger, but we know what war is. we know people get killed. even kids and puppies. that doesnt mean we should get involved.
Not getting involved is defending Russia you fool.
I think I remember you saying that you never served. You are a coward and the progeny of cowards. Wanting to shed someone else’s blood for your hair brained flights of fancy. You are and your ilk are a joke and undeserving of being defended by our service members. See a priest for your blood lust, you need a damn exorcism. What do you expect from a group that believes in blood sacrificing aborted babies for profit?
Biden deserves tremendous praise for the world's response to the Russian invasion. He spent the first year of his presidency rebuilding the relationships with our allies that trump had royally fucked up. Without that renewed sense of partnership it's doubtful that these massive sanctions against the Russian economy could have been invoked. And there's no doubt the sanctions are threatening Putin's very life. And Biden's leadership now, in not employing our own military to defend Ukraine but instead sending massive monetary and weaponry aid, is also paying off, because there are now strong indications that Russia's military might collapse within the next week. I said Putin's very life is at danger now, and that's real. He can't afford failure in Ukraine because the massive economic hit against the Russian populace will have been for naught. His "genius" will be exposed for the fraud it always was.... bullies are rarely "geniuses", and it takes morons to declare them as such. Right now he's probably remembering Mussolini being strung up by his ankles.