whatever, i was just telling you how to spell it. do you think we should shoot down russian planes to protect ukrainian airspace? and to what extent does it matter if ukraine becomes part of russia?
i'm on the border about protecting ukranian airspace. soon, i believe, all options will be considered if war crimes continue to occur and nuclear plants are targeted my the military. i'm not on here all day and i don't pretend to know all, like some on here. but as a thinking human being with a heart, on no level does it make sense for a free country that size to be taken over, unwillingly, by a country who has done this sort of thing before. and will do it again if not stopped. when i look at the destruction, pain and suffering here inflicted by a bully for no reason but to occupy more territory...no. and the war crimes we see that are happening. no. hell no. that MF has to be stopped. i can't see putin surviving this. but i don't see how his ego will let this go until he is stopped. i don't think this has gone at all as planned from his perspective. ww3? i sure as hell hope not. but barely a week in and with what we've seen...more involvement may be on the horizon.
it isnt. nato is a voluntary org. they wont pressure russia to join, or threaten them. having a neighbor be a nato member is not dangerous or worrisome. nato is not "expansionist" in a way that implies a threat. describing nato "expansion" can imply aggressive takeover. but thats not how it works, countries are desperate to join. they join nato, nato doesnt join them. any point about threats to russia is nonense.
thats great how you are such a good person thanks for mentioning it. i bet you literally shake when bad stuff happens on earth. stopped by who
So how does your heart feel about the countless people that will die due to a nuke war? Innocent people that are here in the US as well as other continents that have nothing to do with this fight? Does you little warmongering heart have any compassion for them? Because that is whats going to happen or ar least is very likely to happen if we or any other NATO member sticks their nose where it doesn't belong
i didn't see the first part of your question. let me answer that one. i would be willing to meet you. then lets see. half way between you and north texas. lets do it big boy.