I ask vets all the time what they think. I am not sure what the issue is. If they don’t want to talk they usually just say so. No big deal. Combat vets for sure know the horrors of political wars. It’s serious stuff. Not something we should knee jerk world conflict for.
Nah. You just think Putin woke up and decided to invade. It’s our fucking fault and he called our bluff. We should kind our own business and the world will keep turning.
Except we gave them plenty of arms already and that is why Putin is moving. You ever think the US is like wrong? Ever? How many more conflicts do we need to be in because our deep state cabal cant stop their globalist agenda? 2/3rds of the world doesn’t want to be American nor do they hold our values.
Also, there is no threat to the US. None. None of you have been able to say what threat this poses to us. General freedom is not under attack. Putin can take all of Ukraine and LSU will still play ball on Saturday night because we have built this land. It will never be taken, unless we sell it.
At least the Europeans think it’s serious. https://www.europarl.europa.eu/doceo/document/TA-9-2022-0052_EN.html
if we are serious about making russia pay then it's critical to ramp up oil/gas production now, but this administration will not. instead pres brandon will use part of his state of the union address to again push the green new deal agenda. https://nypost.com/2022/02/28/bidens-war-on-energy-means-americans-are-paying-more/ Thanks to Biden’s war on energy, Americans are paying more — and Putin wins from the article: "Compare the peak oil-production months under President Donald Trump’s energy-independence policies to the latest production numbers under Biden: The Energy Information Administration’s data show that the United States is producing roughly 1.2 million fewer barrels oil per day. So the math here is fairly straightforward: 1.2 million barrels times $100 a day is a deadweight loss to the United States of slightly more than $100 million every day. When Trump left office in January 2021, we were energy independent. Today, we rely on Russia and OPEC nations to fill up our tanks and heat our homes. Think of Biden’s energy policy as a $100 million per day foreign-aid program for our adversaries"
I mean. China’s policies have killed more people than anything Putin has done but I bet you guys still buy your Chinese shit on Amazon like me. Why? Because deep down we really don’t care. It just feels good to “support” Ukraine. If our rational is “freedom” we should be forming instructions in China as well; but that Chinese cash is oh so good……
What’s the threat then guy? Russia gonna conquer Europe? They don’t have the bandwidth to go past Ukraine.
I absolutely agree that Biden has screwed that part royally. He should release all holds on production not inhibit it as he did on the first day of the war.