@LSUpride123 you throw accusations and challenges out like so much water. You call people war mongers and make ridiculous challenges ignoring history. No sane person wants to fight but we live in a world where there are ravening wolves who want to devour their neighbors. It’s why societies form and band together to protect themselves from the wolves. It’s only by banding together do you keep the wolves at bay. History also teaches that giving in to wolves never satisfies them. They just ask for more. Putin is just such a wolf. Even as he attack Ukraine he demand NATO leave all former Soviet countries. Frankly this is a time to stop the wolf and it’s late. We should have done more when he took parts of Georgia and Cheznea and especially Crimea. We shouldn’t have allowed him to expand into Syria. In every instance the cost of stopping him would have been much less than it is now. Stopping him now will cost less than when he tries to absorb the Baltics. Right now the Ukrainians are fighting our battle and it’s important we help. Not only because it’s the right thing to do but because it is in our own interest. Everyone who thinks it’s not our fight is wrong.
They don’t know and have no clue the aftermath it would bring. Yea. Let’s collapse the worlds leading nuke holder and wing it. When nukes came about, the cat was out of the bag. These “wars” are small time. Russia is not invading the whole of Europe and its absolutely absurd these people act like that’s gonna happen. Russia is so bad we buy their oil and gas. Give me a break.
You are clueless. If we stayed out of Ukraine to begin with none of this would be happening and Ukraine would be a puppet state instead of being invaded now. At some point, we need to mind our own business. Further, and I don’t know what you don’t understand, there is no war between US and Russia without nukes. What are you missing?
You’re a sad piece of work. You like to pretend the choice is only to let Putin have his way or have nuclear war. That’s bullshit and you know. There have always and still are choices in between. Until you see this you have no useful place in this discussion.
The only direct military role would be providing intelligence and information. Beyond that to keep feeding arms that can have impact Ukraine and training any insurgents. Our role is to keep pressing for more sanctions that actually get to those around Putin and cripple the Russian war effort. To paraphrase Clausewitz diplomacy is another part of war.