You’re not listening. We (Americans) don’t have a reason to spill blood in this kerfuffel. America has no reason to be in NATO. America doesn’t need to spend $900 billion on defense every year. All of you war mongers need to be asking GOD to polish a bit on you. Your blood lust in service of the empire borderlines on evil.
Let's poll the stupid motherfuckers who scream "trump derangement syndrome", shall we? Among trumpians, 87 percent say they have a “very” unfavorable opinion of the U.S. president, Joe Biden,.. versus just 60 percent who say the same about Vladimir Putin. Remember: Putin throws his political enemies out of windows, steals national coffers bare, attacks democratic elections all over the world, and invades democracies with no justification.
For those of you who said Trump wanted to make NATO stronger....bullshit. His goal was to destroy NATO as well as our Pacific alliances. Of course you idiots think that’s just the thing to do because we’re ‘merica and we’re the biggest baddest dude on the block. We are but as John Donne said “no man is an island “ and the same holds true for nations. We abandon our alliances and what do you think will happen? Do you really think the world will leave us alone? How long do you really think the country will maintain the place and prosperity we have now? Take a look on how much we depend on Europe, Asia and the rest of the world for manufacturing, for rare materials to be our customers? You imagine you’re showing strength by wanting to be left alone....actually you’re exposing your belly to the wolves of the world. Maybe not tomorrow but sooner than you guess there will be some country ready to eat us for lunch. And you know what? Because we abandoned our alliances no one will be there to help. In fact they’ll be with the rest of the world tearing at our soft exposed bellies. Be careful what you wish for because you’ll likely get it....and the result won’t be what you expect.
We have zero allies. We have global dependents. We are 80% of NATO. No reason for the US to have hundreds of bases around the world.