Check your history dumbass. The 2014 revolution expelled the pro Russian president who fled to Russia. It was Zelensky’s predassor who prosecuted. As to your pictures you can find similar here on American flags. You’re just butt hurt because your orange god is continuing to show what a lapdog to Putin he is.
Switzerland, of all places, will freeze Russian assets. This is truly a "when pigs fly" moment. And some clown on this board contends that the rest of the world doesn't see Russia in the same way our own government and media do... as unjustified aggressors.
"trump derangement syndrome" is what you say when you can't defend your hero. Try owning your shit. By the way, just who do you think the Nazi's in THIS country support politically? How many bits of evidence do you want? trump supporters banned from Walmart for wearing nazi flag masks Neo-Nazis explain why they support donald trump American Nazi Party supports trump
Stupid. I doubt its even real, but if it is, its just a weak attempt to troll. Everyone knows the people on the left are the commies. What's your point? Its no different then the far left extremist, communist/socialist, and jihad squad supporting Biden.