You talk a lot of shit for someone who isn’t going to go over there and fight. You also don’t know anything about Russia. They have zero reasons to go past Ukraine. You just keep repeating war mongering bullshit.
Because that is what the swamp wants. The politicians and the MIC are frothing at the mouth to be involved in a war
A bunch of out of shape arm chair QBs thinking they want that smoke. If we attack Russia, subs WILL launch on our mainland. It’s an absolute fact. Sure. Will end up wining but we will burn.
Wow! It looks like even the Swiss will freeze Russian assets. Given their history of neutrality, that's a huge step.
So why do we still import 1/2 a million bbls of oil per day from Putin? Has CNN explained that one yet? Why not pivot back to US energy and Really hurt the guy economically? And help American jobs n middle class economics?
If they knew how much of Ukraine is heavily influenced by the nazis they might see it differently, doubt it but maybe.