I support what’s best for our people here in the states. We don’t have a pressing interest of the people in any conflict between the two belligerents. It is of great interest to members of both parties that are mired knee deep in money laundering and lucrative no show jobs for their progeny. Europe has a pressing interest. Long past time to bring our troops home and let those worthless free loading “allies” step up.
Because he needs to shit or get off the pot. He could have and should have prevented this about a year ago but he instead chose to play nice with Vlad, ironically something the liberal fucks on this board constantly accuse 45 of. It is out of control now but he actually STILL has the ability to curtail it but wont. So the shit you see him saying on TV is just shit. They want this to happen, its all part of the plan.
No one gives a shit about the fins or the swedes! Joe could have said Ukraine will never be part of NATO and done a lot to prevent this. He has too much $$ tied up there to make that statement though
This a fight among elites to see who's extended family members will get to sit on Ukraine boards and similar shams and cronyism to get more filthy rich. Who will win, the American mafia or the Russian mafia? This is a joke. It has nothing to do with middle class Americans, but the swamp will spill our blood to win. They can all go to hell. You wanna protect middle class American's interest? Bow up on China.
You delusional Shane. Most (70-80+%) of Ukrainians don’t want anything to do with Russia. It’s no more our fight than Czechoslovakia and Poland were in 1939. The consequences of not getting involved are so much worse than getting involved now. You don’t read, ignore or don’t understand what I said. I said sanctions, providing tools (arm) to Ukraine and isolating Russia are what should be done. Zelensky has provided the leadership example that has united the world against Putin. As much as I hate to admit it Biden has used diplomacy to enact enough sanctions to cripple Russia. Truth is Putin has shot himself in the balls by fucking the invasion up militarily and diplomatically. You’re so far behind the curve you have no clue. This will ruin Trump thank god. You’re a fool and every post you make proves it.