Working a lot this week and just now reviewing all this crap. The thing that jumps out the most "Hitler was smart and savvy". Smart can be applied to many things. Anyone who reaches a top leadership position is smart about something, so everyone is smart. But savvy is about making good judgements. Opening a second major front in the war by attacking Russia was not good judgement. Dedicating resources to eradicating 6 million people when those resources are desperately needed to fight the war is not good judgement. Hitler made important decisions based on emotion, not judgement. Putin is following the same pattern. An example of a savvy plan could have been to take Dombas and the land bridge to the Crimea and consolidate and absorb then into Russia. Then keep coming back and nibbling away a piece at a time. Get what you want without waking sleeping giants. But his emotions said to take Kyev. Now his bad judgement has unified the Ukraine people in their hatred of him, and poked the sleeping NATO bear. If his goal was to weaken NATO and Ukraine I don't' think he could have failed bigger. Putin is a lot of things, but right now savvy isn't one of them. He played the Crimea grab with some savvy. This time he stepped on his dick. Emotion and ego in single personality governments (kings, dictators, dear leaders) eventually wipes out the 'savvy' in the leader because they end up talking themselves into believing their own bullshit and making decisions based on fantasy not fact. Hmmm . . ego . . emotion . .single personality wanna-be governments . . . . . ..fantasy not fact. Damn, that sounds familiar.
I'll ask you the same question I asked @Winston1 that he has yet to answer, what do YOU suggest we do? And yes, biden is about as effective as a mesh condom!
I'll be the first to admit there is no easy answer. Sanctions are an imperfect weapon, but they certainly need to be implemented including cutting Russia off from SWIFT. We should give Ukraine all the military support we can short of sending in troops. We should encourage Finland and Sweden to join NATO. But unlike others on this board, I'm not here calling Biden ineffective on one hand and then suggesting it's not our fight on the other.
He is ineffective and it's NOT our fight, what part of that do you guys not understand? Much of Ukraine wants this to happen. Why in the blue hell would we get in the middle of this shit!