They're harping on something that doesn't matter in the slightest. It's quite boring... but inasmuch as the laptop hasn't delivered what Rudy promised and what they creamed their jammies for it's all they have.
Who gives a shit? Hunter had a laptop. It was quite reasonable... prudent, even... to believe that Rudy was making it all up, as he's made up so much bullshit everywhere else, and because he's a pathetic sycophant to a psychopathic constant liar. Hunter had a laptop. Whoopee. Your desperation is comical.
My desperation about being lied to by the media? That’s comical? How many times do I have to tell you it isn’t about the contents? You can keep trying to redirect all you want, but I have a problem with that.
LOL....(see @LSUpride123 and @Jmg, I do it to Rex too!)....I know. They are down to feeling fulfilled that they've proven that Rudy lied to them about what was on that laptop and they ate it up! So now, that they cannot really claim what he said was true anymore so now they console themselves with the fact that Hunter Biden did indeed own a laptop. You can't make this stuff up... .
Media? Rudy Guiliani told us all what he did. He bragged about it. Don't blame the media for what Rudy Guiliani did with help from his russian pals in ukraine. He lied about what was on that laptop.
I blame the media for spreading the lies told by the intelligence community. And then running with it. You still don’t understand this? Seriously. All of your partisan shit aside, this is ok with you? Because you didn’t give a damn about Rudy a few weeks ago. It’s just now you’ve jumped on this bandwagon when the Russia thing kept getting dumped on you. I get that. It’s cool. But just blatant lies? It doesn’t bother you even a little? That the media has this influence and uses it? Because they’re doing to us what the USSR did to its citizens during the Cold War.
What lies are you referring to? I'm not be facetious, I genuinely don't know what you are talking about. Tell me and I'll answer. My friends here have accused me of lying about the Hunter Biden laptop when I say that it was Russian disinformation. I later added that it could have been Republicans who lied about the Hunter Biden laptop. We all know that the physical laptop is real. I've said as much several times during the course of this discussion. That said, the purported contents of that laptop do not match what Hunter Biden is being with...not even close. Rudy promised us that there was proof of bribery and money laundering and human trafficking on that laptop. Please recall that Rudy just happened to come across this information right before the election...some would say him trying to create the "October Surprise." You all as well as most congressional Republicans have absolutely taken this obvious lie and run with it as if you have some kind of concrete evidence when, in fact, you do not. friends here have been trying to make a false equivalence between the criminal actions of Trump, who is being tried in a court of law where real evidence is the only evidence that matters...and those of Hunter Biden who are criminal enough to get him indicted but there are not 91 counts against him. There were three and none of them had a thing in the world to do with bribery or money laundering or human trafficking. I still do not know what lies you are referring to.