It takes an unAmerican OCD dipshit to still be concerned about "Hunter's laptop" (when the FBI had good reason to believe it was Russian disinformation and then nothing criminal was found upon it) while also making excuses for donald trump taking classified information to which he was not entitled to share with god knows who. And, oh, by the way, concerning the document to which he confessed to have taken and admitted didn't belong to him... agents who conducted the search at Mar-a-Lago and then investigators have not been able to find it. Where is it? SHOULDN'T THAT BE YOUR CONCERN, traitor?
what good reason was that? do you still believe the lie that it was russian disinfo? that was a lie, just like your semen dress.
i am not particularly concerned about it. what concerns me is that the folks that lied about it fed it to a willing press and got it banned from social media. this is very dangerous that these govt folks were using media and social media to lie and suppress. its like if you had the power to ban folks from saying the truth about your lies. like if i said there was no semen on that dress and you just kept lying and lying and getting the truth shut down. i mean, if you lie, who gives a shit, you made up a semen dress story, i debunk, it everyone knows you are a liar, case closed. but when the govt does it, and the media colludes, thats a problem. your boy biden even wants to have a ministry of truth, which is hugely dangerous. same thing with lab leak theory.
LOL. What concerns you is that it couldn't be used as the bomb you hoped it would be. And why didn't you answer my questions, you fucking lying coward?
nah. dont care about it. sure. the classified documents case is going nowhere because trump can declassify anything he wants.
The big picture is that the media was able to propagandize the story in an attempt to sway an election. For that sweet, sweet democracy you claim to love so much, you’re ok with this?