have you ever noticed you rarely talk policy, like for instance why we need to fund the war machine, but instead call people names and hurl insults? its not just that you dont have arguments, and you dont, but its also that your goal is always to insult, to cast the opponents as bad people. but one can oppose funding wars and be a perfectly fine person. not everything is our business.
It’s not just the funding. It’s the constant funneling of our tax dollars. I know we can’t be the only country sending them money, right? Right?
Congress approved all that aid to Ukraine on a bipartisan basis by majority vote. So, how has Biden been extorted? I ask that knowing that nothing you can reply will make a lick of sense... just want to see you embarrass yourself further.
The same uniparty that is about to pass this ridiculous funding bill. The worst in the history of our country. McConnell now tops my most hated list, more than biden more than barrackmehd. He is the absolute worst!
Biden just told Pooty Poot to kiss America's ass: Putin: there will be dire consequences if Ukraine is given patriot defense missiles Biden: Kiss America's ass Today: Volodymyr Zelenskyy to meet Joe Biden in Washington. Biden will announce nearly $2bn in new security assistance, including the Patriot missile defense system that Kyiv requested as Russia stepped up attacks on energy infrastructure.
ukraine is a very white supremacist and homophobic nation. gay marriage is not legal there. why do you support these white supremacists, and not only claim they are fine people, but send them 100 billion?