All wars post Korea have been money funneling operations. It’s just a fact of the matter that politicians and private industry figured that out.
In times of universal lies the truth appears crazy. You’re just simple little more than a lowly grunion.
@Winston1 @Rex This is your government during kinder, gentler times planning terrorist attacks on its on citizens and infrastructure to blame it on the Cubans so we could invade them. Do you really think they have changed their ways?
Crawl in a hole and stay there. You'll be happier. In the meantime I'll be cheering that Ukraine is kicking Russia's ass and that trump will be perp-walked.
Typical democrat voter according to the Hildebeast just not very bright. Look for that bit from the dem toe sucker Dick Morris’ book.
As I read this giant fuck you from Zelensky to Russia tonight I also think about how trump tried to extort Zelesnsky for a mere 391 million bucks. Fuck you, vladimir. Vuck you, donald. Christo Grozev @christogrozev Zelensky to Russia, tonight... "Do you still think we are one people? Do you still think you can scare us, break us, force us to make concessions? Don't you really get it? Don't you understand who we are? What we stand for? What we are all about? Read my lips: Without gas or without you? Without you. Without light or without you? Without you. Without water or without you? Without you. Without food or without you? Without you. Cold, hunger, darkness and thirst are not as frightening and deadly for us as your friendship and brotherhood. But history will put everything in its place. And we will be with gas, light, water and food.... and WITHOUT you!"
so we love zelensky now huh zelensky himself said it never happened Ukraine president Zelensky says ‘no blackmail’ in Trump call just more lies from you
The self-declared Donetsk (DPR) and Luhansk People’s Republics (LPR) have requested referendums be held between September 23 to 27, exactly as i predicted. russia will call upon ukraine to accept those two republics as part of russia, and end the war.