this is a lie. from the event you are referencing: "and I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists — because they should be condemned totally" - trump. this is a lie widely spread by the media. and you bought it, like always. trump did not say the white supreacists were fine people.
Ukraine is a laundromat for transferring aid back into cold hard cash for American politicians just as Israel is. Obama was known to be heavily involved early in his admin. Bush could have been as well. The biggest crime is Biden depleting our weapons stockpiles with only about 30% making into use, the rest are being sold in Asia according to some reports.
Ok Russian troll what your excuse for the last two day’s performance by your favorite’s army? Attacking in reverse? Your Qanon roots are showing
As the Russian army collapses in Ukraine, as tens of thousands of Russian soldiers are killed (and not even sent home in body bags because Putin has no such respect for them), as multitudes of Russian tanks, vehicles, and other military equipment are destroyed or abandoned on the field, as Russia loses ships in the Black Sea, as Ukrainians seize the Donbas, let's just sit back and remember that trump called Putin's invasion "genius". And that's not to mention the hundreds of thousands of innocent Ukrainian citizens who have been killed, whose homes have been destroyed, who have been displaced, whose lives have been shattered. According to one orange moronic scumbag puppet of Putin it was all "genius".
I pity you and people like you. Nothing in my post remotely pro Russian it was merely a statement of known facts and my alluding that Bush could have been involved. Ukraine has been a deep state operation for quite a while. The evidence of bio labs, 4 crooked politicians children on board positions in Ukrainian gas companies. Q anon is a deep state psy op. You and Rex however have shown your boleshevik roots far to often to question anyones patriotism or love of country. You obviously do not know how or care to cultivate information streams so you could break your psychosis from suckling on the government approved info teat. I trust no one in government anywhere on the planet, Trump included. Media can’t be trusted….none of it. If it has a government broadcast license it cannot be trusted for truth. I could tell you about the special mines that Ukraine has shelled areas in the Donbas with. Totally illegal. As for keeping up with the war in Ukraine it is more of an occasional look for me. You and Rex remind me of a student in a programming class when the student couldn’t make his program run. Instructor tells him, “Garbage in, garbage out.”