Yea. USA is pretty fucked in many ways. Like the Nazi lockdowns, CRT, and Tranny training in schools. I’d rather focus on American prosperity. Not funnel money to a land that doesn’t benefit USA other than a money laundering op for our globalist overlords.
Nothing, I very clearly stated at the start of this thing that Ukraine would defend themselves if they felt like their country was worth fighting for. If you see two guys in a fight, guys that you do not know, do you go sticking your big nose in it? Bet you don't! Bet you get punched in the face if you do. Wait, maybe there is something we should do. We could buy all the shit that CNN has no use for now that cnn+ is in the crapper and live stream the war. That is what we could do but it ends there.
Wasn't Wadye Sims killed trying to intervene in a fight? Sadly, that's not an isolated incident. Usually, the person with the purest intentions is the one that gets hurt the most.
Speaking of money laundering…..say it ain’t so Joe
Nothing like a right wing hack site, right? The 'missing millions' – combined with emails on Hunter's abandoned laptop suggesting Joe would have a 10% share in Hunter's blockbuster deal with the Chinese Suggesting? What is this "suggesting" bullshit? Suggesting to whom, exactly, except to wishful nitwits? Missing millions? There are no "missing millions" if Joe Biden reports his income to the IRS for taxation. As for paying Hunter's legal bills, SO FUCKING WHAT. That's his SON. What's so criminal or even unusual about helping a SON? In the meantime, trump sr. hosted the murderous crown prince of Saudi Arabia and then the Kushners got $2 billion from the same. Where's the right wing hack site on that one? LMAO. Good luck with getting traction on any of this Hunter bullshit. There is not a soul outside of Breitbart Looney World who believes Joe Biden is corrupt.