I’m calling in the clowns….@shane911 do you still think the Russians are de-Nazifing Ukraine or do you see the Russians are the real Nazis? Pride I know you still think the US is as morally bankrupt at Russia right? @fanatic and @XXL TideFan is proving Ukraine with the means to defend itself courting war with Russia and if so is it a risk worth taking? Enough of this chest pumping name calling back and forth give a cogent account of what you believe and think should or should not be done.
One other thing to ponder. Who knows that recently discovered oil and gas reserves made Ukraine a direct competitor of Russia in Europe. Could that have been in Putin’s thoughts when he invaded?
You say there’s enough name calling yet you open by referring to any that disagree as clowns. Lost your attempt at taking the high road. Nazi is national socialism, that can be accomplished with the blackest of adherents in the deepest of sub Saharan Africa. Almost every “free country” of the west is in varying stages of communism or nazism. Clutching the pearls and denying facts does not render them untrue. Screaming nazi at everything probably yields a 50% factual charge but ….so what? We in the US have had the marriage of state and business really come to the forefront with the Obiden regime using business as a bludgeon to coerce behavior from the masses. The deal with our system of nazism in the US is that it is hybridized heavily with communism. From each according to ability and to each according to needs is our wealth transfer the bottom 50% paying zero taxes. That’s straight from Marx. In saying all that, I’m more concerned with our criminal government than anyone else’s criminal governments. Butt out is best. I agree with Patton’s take, we probably fought the wrong bastards. edit added link: https://twitter.com/timand2037/status/1517948439983706113?s=21&t=M9-wvNkmcusYwhmZpAVcTA