The difference is that each abortion has its own set of facts and reasons for happening. For example my niece had an ectopic pregnancy and had to have an abortion or both would likely have died. Is that morally repugnant to you? Some fetuses don’t develop a brain or die in the womb. Is aborting them morally repugnant? There are many more medical issues that require abortion. Are they morally repugnant. The murders of civilians in Ukraine is the result of deliberate policy and tactics ordered by Putin and the Russian leadership. The moral difference is that not all abortion are murder while the genocide in Ukraine is. Your blanket statement is not accurate or valid. You tried to set a draw an argument of two situations that aren’t comparable.
Can you be any more of an insufferable ass? Who the fuck are you to tell him he didn't see his child's heartbeat? Fuckin scumbag
Here is another example of your flawed moral belief system. You frequently called Trump, a US citizen, Putins puppet/bitch. But Trump is American like you. Morally superior, in your words, by virtue of freedom and Democracy. Trump also was right on Russia and tried to get NATO to do more. Yet, you deny all of this. Your morals bend for Trump, don’t they…….Yes. Yes they do. Like I said, you are full of shit and virtue signaling...
Yea. No rebuttals because I called that shit. So next time you wanna have a false equivalency of me and Putin because I don’t give a shit about Ukraine you can go fuck yourself.
Sperm cells should definitely be protected. Here is why: Every sperm is sacred Every sperm is great If a sperm is wasted God gets quite irate Let the heathen spill theirs On the dusty ground God shall make them pay for Each sperm that can't be found Unless you are Protestant. Then you can where whatever you want on your John Thomas. Even a French Tickler.
Soooo…you’re saying your mama is a dumbass because she chose wrong. You still meet half of your criteria for killing babies.