Fetuses are not people, you sick fuck. And abortion is far more acceptable in Russia than it is here. They don't have some sick superstition that fetuses are equal to babies.
Yes they are. If you shot and killed a pregnant woman (you know what a woman is right) you get charged with double homicide.
It’s a false equivalency sport. Abortion consists of individual decisions made for many reasons. What is happening in Ukraine is mass murderer, rapine and destruction on orders from Putin. It’s a measure intended to break the will and destroy resistance. Abortion as abominable as it is is no comparison.
Percentage of Americans who agree that abortion should be LEGAL in all or most cases: 59% Percentage of Americans who agree that abortion should be ILLEGAL in all or most cases: 39% Something we get right, for a change.
I asked you @Winston1 what was the moral difference. If you can’t explain that, just say so. Why is some life of more importance than others? Because you say so?
According to lsupride's reasoning, because some rape victim doesn't want to carry her rapist's offspring it's OK that Vladimir Putin is murdering and enslaving Ukrainian children by the hundreds of thousands.