was in response to me saying "i dont think its a useful way to look at things, to characterize nazis as american right or left. i get that nazis are big govt and the left is mostly for big govt but thats a far cry from nazis. i also dont think the left is infiltrated by pedos. i think they are just cowards who pretend they agree with trannies and shit." where were the goalposts before and how did i move them? point to one millimter of change in anything i said. go ahead, pedophile. i mean i cant find the posts saying you are a pedophile, and i refuse to address it, but its true. its fun to be snarky. where did i move the goalposts?
where? pedo moves the goalposts? look, you confused two people. i didnt move shit. and i wont stop pointing it out, literally for decades or until i get banned until you admit it.