fyi, the usa stance is behind ukraine. maybe not pos like you, but as a country...we support ukraine. traitors like you deny this. but thats why theres tucker. "apparently" is the operative word. since it was largely ground battle, it's hard to deny. you're a loser and traitor. btw, is your avatar that of a lizard? appropriate. i'm sure it was a battle between that and a rat.
Nice. You hit all the lefty check boxes. Insults Deflection Projection Fallacies I am sure Rex can chime in and call me a racist as that is the only thing you left out.
You're not a traitor for not supporting Ukraine. You're a traitor for supporting Russia, which attacks American interests, pays bounties on the heads of our soldiers, attacks our democratic elections, and kills our allies.
No one on this forum supports Russia. Also, do you need help with funding for your trip to Ukraine to fight Russia? I can help you out. Let me know.
and you hit all the righty: conspiracy theories anti-democracy sentiment alternative facts the "don't believe anything you see or hear" only believe in your leader
that's bullshit. where is your support that "we" killed more people in iraq than russia has killed in ukraine. that was your statement. and i'm still waiting for your support on authorities injecting kids with whatever without their parents knowledge. that's a doozy bro. i've given up on getting anything the widely known voting machine error rates. i used to do audit work and i can't think of an instance where we would rely on anything above about 3% as acceptable. if i remember correctly your stated error rate was like 80%. to think that is fact, and with something as important as voting is just not to be believed. that assertion was no doubt debunked as false.
Oklahoma is one of the reddest states in the union and even here they were doing vaccine clinics and NOT requiring a parents signature. Many of us kept our children home on those days. Like I've said before, you can keep your head in the sand or you can find out for yourself that it is in fact happening. Look at what the Disney execs have admitted on record, listen to the teachers that are losing their shit over not being able to talk to 1st and 2nd graders about their personal lives. Its a sick place out there and none of the MSM are going to tell you about it.
So do you That's an ignorant, piece of shit thing to say when you've never seen combat or spilled blood for this country. Because no one who has is a coward. You have no idea what the horror of war is like until you try try to hold your best friend's gut inside until a medivac arrives after an IED explosion. All the while praying another one doesn't go off. Or being ambushed by an enemy and fighting for 36 straight hours with no food or sleep, hoping you don't run out of ammo until you can be resupplied. But by all means, tell me about your 'coward's strategy', because YOU know, Unless we're directly threatened, war should be avoided at all costs. But it's ok, as long as its not your loved ones that are in danger of giving the ultimate sacrifice, right?