@LSUpride123 . Yes. There's a whole hell of a lot of disputing here. First off: What did the bombing in Iraq follow? 9/11. What did the bombing in Ukraine follow? Peace. We're in the middle of a war that just started. We are also finding mass graves, it seems on a daily basis. It's impossible to know total casualty count, as the war continues. Also: 16 years vs 32 day timeline. Is that the comparison we're talking about? Kind of seems premature to consider them equal, don't you think? Look at the destruction and mass graves in Ukraine over the first month. We know the plan in Ukraine is to apparently target anything and everything, including civilian hospitals, schools, churches, nuclear plants, apartment buildings etc. There is so much rubble, who knows what the eventual body count will be once cleared. Putin announced humanitarian pathways for citizens to freely leave the country, then he bombed them. Women, kids and the elderly. Healthy men were required to stay and fight. Women and kids were strategically bombed! You really are a traitor. And I mean that seriously. You’re full of misinformation and skewed view of things. And you spread it as if it were true. Facts don't matter. You apparently side with the Russian. I know exactly what you are. And it’s disgusting.
You said there is a "whole hell of a loft of disputing here". But presented only opinion. Also, stop with your fallacies. I never said equal. Also again, you can stop saying "we". You aren't there. You are doing nothing but bloviating on the internet. No. You are not finding mass graves. Someone is posting articles and you are reading them. You arent doing a damn thing. Please let me know what was wrong with the data presented backing up my claim about civilian deaths due to the US invasion.
To who? Ukraine? I don't think anyone here has said what Russia is doing is just, or that they aren't savages, what we are saying is getting involved in this is not a good idea. It is in the best interest of the free world to let Ukraine deal with it and not risk a nuclear war that ruins everything for everyone. If you are so emboldened to help then as Pride said, head on over. Ill even send you a fully loaded mag as a parting gift. Have fun
A: learn to quote B: when I used WE I spoke of the USA. When you used WE you spoke of Ukraine. Maybe you don't understand the difference. "We" aren't Ukraine, "we" aren't in Ukraine and "we" have no assets in Ukraine" . Anything reported is not verified in any of the sort. For example you said: We know the plan in Ukraine is to apparently target anything and everything, including civilian hospitals, schools, churches, nuclear plants, apartment buildings etc You dont know shit other than what you are told. You would realize all this if you had any sort of point other than insults.