My source? Go back and re-read between you and your alter. YOU/Rex/Winston are the ONLY people that mention Trump, Tucker, and Fox News.
ok then, we still haven't seen where even 45 cited the same "evidence" about the election being stolen. this proof must be all over the place. Yet the only place, the only hint, it seems comes from "court cases" cited by the 3 Stooges of this forum. nowhere else can it be found with any credible support. Everything about error rates: DEBUNKED. Something that important would not just be found, for instance, on OAN. That is big fucking news!!! If credible it would've been widely distributed. However, misinformation may be confined to small groups and may be squashed as lunacy before it goes big, like I'd expect your "schools in the USA have been giving kids hormone blockers and not telling parents". Jesus Christ, you should just do the right thing and never post here again after proclaiming that jewel. I have no doubt you also believed in kids being sacrificed at that pizza shop a few years ago too? Some things common sense should just tell you "thats just bullshit". but the gullible are willing recipients to misinformation because they want to believe the other side is that wicked. and man, we have gullible in ace of spades with the 3 Stooges of Free Speech. Now, master deflector, please post links to the different media, conservative and liberal, about the courts agreeing that the election was stolen or that there were, what, 80% error rate built into those machines. Beyond Lunacy!
So, tell us. Why is it wrong to discuss an orange piece of shit, your cult leader, who wants to destroy our democracy, has enormous influence over you and other cult members.... or wrong to discuss the network that enables him? What are you afraid of?
No you dumb fuck I’m doing the same thing General/President Eisenhower didwhen he filmed the German death camps. Evil and horror must be exposed for what it is. To hide is to deny. Look at those pictures you schmuck
So why don’t you post all the horrible shit that goes on in your own fucking state? What is stopping you from cleaning up Louisiana baw? Get your ass down in the wards spreading the good word of freedom. If it saves one life…….. But you see, you dont really care about these people in Ukraine, or even here in the USA. You care about your position. You are fake sir.