Winston, rockhead and Rex should have all been blowjobs! They bring not a single quantifiable asset to the table. All three are just dead, useless weight.
It’s absurd. People out there dying every day in BR and New Orleans because of gangs and they care more about Ukraine. Why doesn’t Winston post all the dead bodies from BR, NO, Chicago? Because they black? We have so much more valuable shit to handle here on top of Potato Joe fucking up our country.
Same reason the media reports on Will smith slapping another black man but not the homeless living in the streets of Cali due to Democratic policies. But they have the Ukraine flag in their twitter profile!!!!
Also, I have been reading some reports schools in the USA have been giving kids hormone blockers and not telling parents. The media sure knows how to keep people busy in fake outrage across the world while we self destruct.
You are mistaken. Raised by Roosevelt dems, generic Christianity until I spent a decade as an atheist from about 20 yrs old. Most of the atheist period was spent in service to the empire where we bombed many that were threatening our interests, although I have yet to understand what Lebanon was threatening. Even under Reagan we bombed people 1000s of miles away that didn’t have the ability sail a boat out of the Med. In summation, born and raised a yellow dog democrat, cured by Jimmy Carter, then voted Reagan twice, didn’t vote again until GWB to keep Gore out then abstained until Trump. Voted for him both times and will again if he runs just to prevent anything the marxists can scrounge. BTW…..Perot was right, he just pissed me off when he dropped out. It seems that I have a greater exposure to various political dogma than most and realize the old saying, “Politics is show business for ugly people.”
so lets aren't terribly patriotic because you don't support free and fair aren't terribly religious because you bombast the leader of the catholic sprew hate all day long from your home computer. no lie is too great. @shane0911 and @Kikicaca love you. moe, larry and shimp. we know who moe is. who are you? i know, i know, the election was stolen and you've posted points somewhere earlier that was written by lord knows who. points, i might add and as far as i know, even tRump hasn't specifically voiced about in support of the big lie, and he's the leader of the pack. please post if he has. you just may be that 400 lb person tRump talked about before the 2016 election, only spewing misinformation that supports him.
if you don't think this is misinformation then God Bless Your Soul. you poor gullible to everything right wing misinformation baby.