After withdrawing from Afghanistan how many countries has Russia invaded or bombed into rubble? Now count for America……I’ll wait for your answer to see if you actually investigate something or just repeat CNN talking points. In all honesty, I have no idea of the comparison but since you broached the subject. Do not think that we are a moral country when we sacrifice dead babies by the thousands every day.
No, it's not. We see no faces, nobody is being desecrated. Mighty convenient of you to suddenly raise such an objection when you DO, in fact, look bad because of it.
WTF are you babbling about? Know what I see? A religionist, indoctrinated since wee high, in both politics and spiritual matters, into perverse and nonsensical viewpoints. BREAK FREE. You'll feel cleaner for it.
I certainly would support such if it weren't for the matter that Putin is a lunatic with his finger on a nuclear button that could devastate mankind. He's as bad as Hitler.
Let me be very clear. I don’t give a fuck about those dead people and neither do you. If you do, go do something. In fact, I don’t even care about all those people still alive. It’s not my problem.
We learned a long time ago. Words don’t matter. Actions do. Y’all say you care so much, well, what are YOU doing about it? All I see is the exploitation of a bad situation to try and win an internet argument.