Two questions fat elephant. 1) Do you believe that American troops deliberately raped and indiscriminately murdered civilians in any of those? 1) Did you support our efforts in Vietnam or Iraq or Afghanistan? If you did you’re a hypocrite of the first degree.
Then read the facts and answer my question coward.
There is no doubt that some individual Americans have committed atrocities. Happens in every war. But the Russians commit them en masse as an obvious policy of terror. Americans don't deliberately target apartment buildings and residences, Russians do as an obvious policy of terror. This has happened in Georgia, Syria, Ukraine. Putin and his inner circle must be arrested and put on trial for war crimes.
1. Yes. It happens in all wars, period. 2. I was a child for the duration of Vietnam and therefore unable to intelligently support or condemn it. With the benefit of hindsight, I would say no. LBJs false flag in the Gulf of Tonkin got us into it. I’ve lost 2 brothers to it, it just took 30 years of imaginary illness to kill one and the other has beat cancer twice but he is a dead man walking and he knows it. Afghanistan, Iraq …..I was initially suckered into the hype of 9/11 but never bought the invasion and occupation of either country. You will find that I am intellectually consistent in the application of my core principles. Take your neocons like GWB and his daddy, Cheney….a huge portion of republicans are no more than LBJ. It could be said that he or even Truman are the father of the neocon zionist movement.
It’s actually gross you are using photos of dead civs to try and make some posters look bad. If you had any respect for the dead, you would not use them to make a stupid online point. You know who else views people as objects? Putin. Maybe you and him are more alike than we thought.
Bro. We nuked cities full of women and children. You know why they died? Because they were born in the wrong country. That is the extent of their sins.