Why should I pick a side? Winston is on 3 sides of a 2 sided issue. What we do know for sure is he has a visceral hatred of Trump yet professes to be a strict constitutionalist, go figure.
Wow. Is it really that hard to pick sides? I guess it's "do I believe what my eyes tell me" or "do I believe Tucker"?
You are trying too hard. You bought into the poor Ukraine bit and you fail to realize how bad Ukraine really is, like money laundering, child trafficking, dirty rotten shit with the bidens as well as the clintons. You can stick your head in the sand as long as you want to but it is the truth. Ukraine is dirtier than a two dollar whore. That is why we should just stay the hell out of it and let this run its course.
You really are reprehensible and delusional. And that's the best I can say for you. So, I guess it's Tucker.
Define? I'll just give you an example of each, and you just glean from that what you will: Good: Ukraine Bad: Russia It's actually pretty cut and dried.