I have a sudden dread. I can't see a way out of this catastrophe for Vladimir except that he will launch a nuclear strike at Ukraine. As he sees it, it will have a two-fold effect: it will make a large inhabitable buffer area between NATO and his new totalitarian state in Russia, and it will be his warning to the West not to fuck with him or much of Europe will suffer the same attack. And why wouldn't he? Harry Truman launched atomic bombs in order, he claimed, to save invading Americans. Putin will use the same excuse. Doesn't matter that in WWII the USA was retaliating against an unprovoked attack, and that it's the complete opposite for this unprovoked Russian invasion. Putin believes he has just cause. Truman was sane, Putin probably is not. He's a mad man who happens to be a very angry man. He is building a totalitarian state in Russia, the second coming of Stalin, a bigger version of Kim Jung Un. Sadly, this war will be a true watershed moment in human history... for the much worse.
He can, I'm confident. He kills whomever he wants whenever he wants, no one will defy his order to attack, he has total control of the country. Of this I'm sure.... you would cry big tears if he were assassinated.
Delusions, as usual, but its to be expected from a brain suffering from as much disease as yours. You deserve pity but you'll get none from me.
Coming from a tard that still believes Hunter's laptop is Russian disinformation, it doesn't mean much. Now that your bible, the NY Times, has validated that its real, are you man enough to admit you were wrong? I doubt it. You'll probably respond with some nonsense about me being a liar because you never said it was Russian disinformation.
Hunter Biden had a laptop? What an amazing revelation! /sarcasm Whoever denied that he did? How was I wrong, liar? Just another of your inventions of what I've ever said, liar.