Shane if you had a clue about history you'd know the Ukrainians had taught for independence since before the Russian revolution. Yes they allied with the Germans in WWII because Stalin had starved millions in the 1930s. They weren’t Nazis but Ukrainian independence fighters.
That's pretty funny. What changes whenever you say ANYTHING here? Just keep everything to yourself... you wouldn't get constantly humiliated as you do.
Current state of affairs: Russian invasion of Ukraine stalled on all fronts as they suffer heavy casualites and heavy loss of equipment. Reduced to lobbying missiles from inside Russian borders. Putin has fired three more generals in the past two days. The Russian army has been humiliated, and Putin should be fearing CHINA right now, not Ukraine or NATO. Putin has fired 1000 of his closest staff, fearing for his own life. The Russian economy has been reduced to chaos, the ruble is worthless, and their credit rating on the international scene has been reduced to "junk". So, donald, do you still contend that Vladimir is a "genius"? Or were you just saying that because he told you to?
Eight of trump's biggest loyalists. Eight of the biggest recipients of Russian money. What a surprise.