Leave it to a democRat to shut down the country (fauci and friends) over a fake bullshit hoopty doo then turn around and claim responsibility when people go back to work after figuring out they'd been duped.
What good does it do when inflation is at an all time high, gas prices are out of control, and the dollar's purchasing power are at the lowest rates ever. Those of us that have functioning, non-diseased brains are able to discern what's actually happening in the real world instead of a fairy tale land where everything is hunky dory. Only the most gulllible would be duped into believing that the same jobs regained after being lost during lockdowns equates to the 'greatest job growth in history'. How's this for a meme? Fits you perfectly.
So very few if any expected Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to go on so long or proceed as it has. The Ukrainians have exceeded expectations and the Russians have been execrable. There are now reports of significant Ukrainian counterattacks pushing Russia back. We have also seen Russian war crimes committed including deliberately shelling and killing civilians, rape, robbery and murder. There is a report that they are using a hospital and it’s patients as human shields in a southern Ukrainian city. They have seized at least 2 nuclear power plants and possibly mined them for destruction. Also to be considered is the indiscriminate destruction of cities. So what are the new ending scenarios of this invasion? It seems to me that a line has been crossed and Russia is truly an outlaw state in similar circumstances as Germany and Japan 80 years ago. However it has a nuclear arsenal that changes the equation. That means no one can risk WWIII. That also means a negotiated solution rather than surrender. Regardless Russia is losing and has lost by just about every measure. How does Russia get out with anything resembling dignity? How are the brought to account for the war crimes? How are they held accountable for restitution? Does Putin survive and if so how? These are serious questions that unfortunately can’t be buried. Russia and especially Putin and his key supporters can’t be allowed to escape without facing the consequences of their actions. What to do?
The point is why are you gnashing your teeth over it? I couldn't care less about Ukraine and I'm going to assume that it is Prides position as well. Sad...sure it is, is it wrong for Russia and Putin to do this, sure it is, do I wish they didn't do it, of course I do. But in the end, ho hum, more bullshit in the world and it is not worthy of my concern. I would love for this much attention to be paid to our southern border or finding that guy that deployed the pipe bombs, those things actually matter to us.
You are a provincial Shane. If you don’t realize that what impact Europe and Russia doesn’t impact us or can have tremendous consequences you’re sticking your head in the sand. This country isn’t on an island safe from what happens elsewhere. We aren’t close to being self sufficient unless you want to have a 19th century life. You may want to ignore it but it won’t ignore you.