The smart people were watching the football game last night. The stupid people were watching Bill C. It was a perfect forum....
do you vote as a bloc with men? gingers? do you view issues relative to how they affect arbitrary groups instead of the whole?
just be glad you are up against Barry and not Slick Willie. Slick Willie would be mopping the floor with Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan right now, bad economy or not.
Wromney is the wrong man for the job. People don't realize his platform is impossible. That doesn't mean i support Barry in any way....and i cant believe the dems hold a misogynist in such high regard.
I feel the same way about Romney. I actually felt sympathy for my Republican friends during the primaries because all the real stars of the party chose not to run. I said back then that either they knew that they couldn't beat Barry or they didn't want to preside over such a tough economy but there had to be a reason why the big guns didn't run. Chris Christie could have given the President a real run for his money, and on a more substantive level.
Maybe. Next election will be easier. I don't know who in the Democratic party will emerge. Romney is disappointing. If his math to reduce the deficit worked then I would favor him. But, as he proposes, how is he going to increase military spending to 4% of the GDP and cut a wide range of taxes and make it work? He WON'T touch medicare. There are too many votes there. Will it be Social Security? Baby boomers are getting old now. That spending is going to increase. Welfare programs? Interest rates can only rise from these levels, increasing govt debt. I have a calc 1 education but I don't understand the formula. The only thing I can agree with him on is "get Obama out of office" but I decided several elections ago that I wasn't going to vote for the lesser of two evils.
I have to think after Clinton's speech on Wednesday that he and Hillary are angling for a run in 2016.