The polls I posted where from several different sites and polling sources. Maybe you missed that part.
Several polls per issue. Its easy to cherry pick one polling source but if others contradict that issue its easy to ignore, like the troop buildup in Afghanistan. Some sources also trend to embellish their findings which is why I like pollingreport. They just report the polls without commentary. here is a perfect example: Almost all the polls on pollingreport disagree with these findings. Most polls show that Americans say torture is justified either most of the time or some of the time. Most polls show Americans generally agreed with how the CIA and Bush handled interrogations. When it comes to polling a correlation should be made of the various polls per issue to get a good barometer or public opinion.
You are doing the same with the cherry picking. Also I posted several different polls on all topics. Most polls have seen and read show support for the Afghanistan policy even among republicans, I havent seen a poll that refutes that. I posted a poll that shows that by a 54% majority disagreed with Obama on the Guantanamo policy. Like I said that notion that most people disagree with Obamas policies, is a fallacy to enhance an argument of your or whoevers pied piper theory. Heres a different source on the Afghanistan Policy. USA Today
I posted two of them, guess you missed them. There are 15 different polls this year related to Afghanistan on pollingreport. 7 favor troop build up and 8 are opposed. Anyway, we kind of getting off topic on Libertarians no? :lol:
yea we are way off topic, no surprise there.:hihi: at least we made an attempt to make the thread interesting.
Yep. All my opinion. I never said that most folks don't agree with him. I said that I wished more people would open their eyes and see the policy and not the charm. I think the public is so enamoured with him that they refuse to see him for his policy. Individual polls typically report less favor than his overall approval rating (50-55% policy approval v. his 63% approval rating). I conclude from this comparison that when people look at policy, they don't favor it nearly as much as they do his charm, charisma, and stature. This is my basis for the rock star analogy. The other problem with the polls is that a large percentage of people in this country don't really understand policy, beyond the slant presented by the media. I'm disappointed in you for stating that I would still be bashing him if he had a 33% approval rating. When my team is winning, I'm happy. But when my team is losing, I don't say anything. Quite the opposite of the Dems, who gloat when winning, and slander when losing. Its just the politics of the day. No matter the score, you won't find me on the steps of the capitol shouting out my opinion to the masses. Its not my way. I still believe that once the public finally begins to understand the policy that is being installed, it will be too late to do anything about it. Kinda like re-electing Nagin in NOLA. Sounded good at the time, but what a mess we have on our hands. Sooner or later, someone has to pay the piper, or taxman if you prefer.
It's the same remark made after every President takes office. You think Barack spends a lot? Wait until the next guy gets elected.
I'd venture that most Libertarians (like most Conservatives and most Liberals) don't fit the strict definition. For instance, a very small minority of the country would truly sign up for a strictly Liberatarian platform. However, I consider myself more aligned with Libertarian "ideals" than not, so if pressed, I would describe myself as Libertarian rather than Conservative or Liberal. Trying to say what a Libertarian is and is not is an academic exercise only and has little to no relevance in everyday life, IMO.