Westboro plans on picketing Sandy Hook funerals

Discussion in 'New Roundtable' started by fanatic, Dec 16, 2012.

  1. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Gumborue is exactly right. It is lunacy that we don't apply judgments to faith based beliefs. Faith is not an acceptable method of learning. It isn't and we shouldn't say that it is. We have to stop being such cowards and tell people they are being wrong and are spreading lies. We can't watch extremists murder us and then say " well, faith is good it's just they are reading the wrong words from the holy book". Wrong. The book isn't holy, it's lies. And spreading lies is wrong and dangerous.

    I know it seems mean and divisive and we shouldnt tell people their beliefs are stupid. We can't worry about that. Besides, I tell people all the time and everyone adores me.
  2. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Pretzel logic for martin.
  3. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I bet they don't hang around you very long.

    People don't like assholes who mock and jeer them and who thinks that they have a mission to be a complete dick to friend and strangers with whom they take issue. You enjoy being a complete dick and an asshole perhaps. To each his own. It doesn't get anyone laid in the world I live in. I have lifelong friends who are religious. I can disagree with them without holding them up to scorn and derision. How many long-term friends like that do you have? Not former friends that you still remember. I mean people who hang with you for decades despite differences between you?

    Then again, I'm sure you are a much bigger ass on the internet than within arms length of real men that you insult.

    And it doesn't change a goddamn thing. Your ridicule approach to religious discussion changes no believer's mind. It hardens it against you. I can have an intellectual discussion with religious people. You cannot. You feel compelled to wage intellectual war against them.
  4. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Incorrect. Everyone I know who is religious I have either converted or they don't get angry when I mock them. People respect honesty. If you are a horrible racist, I would tell you. If you were a flat earther I would tell you you are crazy. Religion is no different.

    Moderates like you are the problem. At least religious kooks admit that the other religions are dangerous and crazy.

    For example, If you are a catholic. You stand for lies and evil, and you should realize it.

    Like I said before, we owe our friends the honesty of telling them when they are wrong. We can't be a bunch of whiners who don't have opinions on anything and are too afraid to speak our mind for fear of the social consequences.

    Besides, like I said, in practice people don't mind honesty.
  5. gumborue

    gumborue Throwin Ched

    Dec 17, 2003
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    dont broach the subject. wait long enough and they will ask you why you dont say grace, or go to church---then tell them. just dont push it in their face like they do to you.
  6. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    Red, if you had a friend that thought Elvis was alive, would you say "hey that's great you keep it up"? Why are you giving special passes to certain types of morons. You mock my viewpoints regularly and I don't mind, I like it, I am glad to hear where you stand.

    A girl I know asked me why I am so much more harsh with her Catholicism than I am vs my liberal friends. And the answer is liberals and I a are interpreting the facts differently. Catholics are just making up stuff. And making stuff up is not acceptable as a form of analyzing reality. And she does get mad, but not crazy mad, because deep down religious folks know they are being stupid.
  7. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Because I know the difference between a moron and a friend with some strange beliefs. Frankly, I don't know if Elvis is dead or not, but most importantly . . . I don't care if Elvis is dead or not. So I certainly am not going to bash a friend's beliefs over a matter of triviality. People are entitled to strange beliefs, you certainly have a ton of strange beliefs.

    It's because of your own deep-set insecurity. Like a madly barking dog, you must shout loudly about beliefs that you fear. If religion is nonsense, why do you so obviously feel threatened by it? Ask your therapist about this.

    I disbelieve mythology as truthful facts, but I don't consider it to be stupid because some of it effectively teaches morality lessons. Western Civilization itself is built on the development of morality standards and that came from religious mythology, be it Greek, Hebrew, or Norse. What I think is stupid is to be so shallow as to completely miss important anthropological and social elements in your rabid zeal to bash religion for its own sake.

    Almost nobody is using religion to analyze reality. It's about assessing faith, not logic, truth, or historical accuracy. I realize that you cannot grok faith at all. It's why you miss the point a lot and live life with blinders on. It's part of those shades of gray that do not exist in the black and white world of martin.

    But the shades exist, mon ami.
  8. martin

    martin Banned Forever

    Oct 20, 2003
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    I don't feel threatened by religion. But all of us are threatened by believers. They kill and blow things up and control our government and they push their myths as an agenda on everyone. And I don't have a therapist. (but the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy in general is a spectacularly interesting topic)

    Untrue, you are just trying to be consistent. You know Elvis is dead. And you routinely mock people for their beliefs, I have seen you do it, and I enjoy it.

    like santa claus? he teaches that if you are good, you are rewarded by magic. thats the exact thing taught by the holy books. you would definitely mock an adult santa believer, and you should. you are brainwashed by the mainstream belief that faith is beyond criticism and mocking. you dont have to be afraid to be honest with people. you really will find that they respect it. when you tell someone they have the beliefs of a child, they might be angry initially, but ultimately they respect you for it, because they know deep down they are lying to themselves. and women like assholes anyways.

    Those morality standards came from mythology like they came from Santa. Morality and religion are not linked, in fact they are often opposed.

    Yeah, nobody except our presidents and almost everyone here but me and you and like 3 others. but you are right, i cnt grok faith at all. you cant answer questions by making things up and just believing it because you want to.
  9. red55

    red55 curmudgeon Staff Member

    Oct 21, 2002
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    I can be honest with people without intentionally trying to offend them. It hurts any efforts to change their minds, because they focus on you being an asshole instead of you making a point to be remembered.

    I have not found this to be true. Nobody likes, respects, or trusts an asshole.

    But they are more often enlightening and without a doubt a prime driving factor in the rise of Western Civilization.

    Nonsense. Parables prove that you actually can answer questions by making things up. It is only misguided to believe that a parable is the literal truth.
  10. Cajun Sensation

    Cajun Sensation I'm kind of a big deal Staff Member

    Dec 4, 2006
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